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Phoenix Oasis Press Phoenix Oasis Press

The power of music: Ryan Breen

Ryan Breen writes music, lyrics, and a gratitude journal. Learn about his journey, what inspires him to write, and his upcoming release “Vapid Mansion.”

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Phoenix Oasis Press Phoenix Oasis Press

How to navigate reader feedback

Asking for and navigating reader feedback is tricky. Leslie Cox shares her experiences with various critique formats and offers tips to get started.

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Phoenix Oasis Press Phoenix Oasis Press

Build your support community

Writing feels less like a solitary sport when you’ve got a strong community waiting in the wings. Mary Cornelius shares how to build yours.

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Phoenix Oasis Press Phoenix Oasis Press

How to get out of your own way

Felicia Penza shares ways to free your mind from being blocked, overbooked, or overthinking. Tips and a playlist, included!

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Phoenix Oasis Press Phoenix Oasis Press

Beginnings are everywhere

Beginnings are all around us. Sue Fulton writes about how one creative beginning led to another, and another, until Phoenix Oasis Press was born.

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Phoenix Oasis Press Phoenix Oasis Press

Looking back at Leaping Forward

Read on for a recap of our February retreat, Leap Forward Into Writing. We’re hosting it again later this fall – with a few tweaks and surprises.

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Phoenix Oasis Press Phoenix Oasis Press

Self-editing for authors

You’ve written your first draft of a short story, novella, or novel. The common advice: rewrite the second draft to make it better. Donna Parker’s 12 tips can help you get started.

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Phoenix Oasis Press Phoenix Oasis Press

How to submit to POP’s blog

You have something to write about writing. We’re here to help you reach an audience that would love to hear your words. Read on for how to submit.

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Phoenix Oasis Press Phoenix Oasis Press

How to Create a Writing Routine

Creating a writing routine doesn’t happen overnight. Michelle Conde shares tips to make getting in the habit easier, like setting small goals, being flexible, and remembering that consistency leads to more words on the page.

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